What's Your Fitness Goal?

Private Pilates Training

CORE-CHISELING,muscle-elongating, body-shaping…. There’s nothing quite like a good Pilates routine. 

Wake Up Your Body! Training For A Race? Recovering From An Injury? Our senior instructors have met a rigorous training program combined with numerous certificates and years of Pilates teaching experience. They have a track record of proven results and really understand how to read the body and how to design exactly what it needs. 

Pilates is longer leaner stronger

Pilates is longer leaner stronger

Pilates Enhances Your Athletic Training

Pilates Enhances Your Athletic Training

Pilates Keeps You Injury Free

Pilates Keeps You Injury Free

fuse strength between mind and body.

fuse strength between mind and body.

Pilates Keeps You Pain Free

Pilates Keeps You Pain Free


GYROTONIC® Private Sessions-The Pulley Tower Unit

Simple twist & pull Gyrotonic training in Kihei

We work the entire body with the pulley tower and in an incredibly wide variety of seating, laying, kneeling and standing positions. With the enormous range of possibilities with the pulley tower, it's possible to work with people at any level of strength and fitness. Because much of the work is seated, it is an excellent tool for rehabilitative work. When we take the bench away, we can work on total body, athletic style stretching and strengthening. The work on the Pulley Tower is organized into various families depending on how the equipment is being used. Each of the different families also emphasize different body segments.