MELT Method Self-Care Workshop coming January 11th and 15th
The MELT® Method is a simple, scientifically proven, all-natural self-treatment method that combats chronic pain, improves performance, and releases stuck stress caused by the repetitive postures and movements of everyday living. It is based on the new science of cellular hydration of the connective tissue and restoring its extensibility.
WHAT is Connective Tissue?
Connective tissue is scientifically known as fascia. It surrounds and supports all aspects of your body, including your muscles, bones, nerves, and organs. Collectively, it’s a 3-dimensional, fluid-based system that creates a flexible framework that provides your entire body support, protection, and connection. When pain is chronic, there’s an issue in your connective tissue, it’s not just in your mind
This tissue does so many things for you. It keeps your skin smooth and supple, gives your joints shock absorption, keeps your muscles balanced and stable… it even keeps your organs tucked back in your belly. Fascia “turns on” to pre-stress so the muscles can fire and its stores energy so the muscles can propel.
It’s the only system in your entire body that’s seamlessly connected from head to toe and skin to bones. It’s the stability system of your body. Because of the advances in technology, the dedicated researchers in this field have been able uncover the importance of connective tissue to every aspect of your health. It is also the environment for your sensorial nervous system.
What happens to cause pain and immobility? What happens to cause a decrease in exercise performance or have unresolved pain?
One important discovery is that daily living causes connective tissue to become cellularly dehydrated. Our repetitive movements and postures cause excessive compression, pull, and friction on this tissue, causing it to become less supportive and responsive. In fact, connective tissue dehydration is a natural cellular process that’s occurring to every single one of us, every single day, regardless of age, activity level, or diet. What’s been missing is a way for us to address it ourselves.
If you think of the fluid in connective tissue like a river… daily living creates sediment that alters the river’s natural flow. That sediment is what leaves you feeling stiff and inflexible. If you never do anything about it the sediment accumulates. MELT calls this sediment “stuck stress”. And once it starts accumulating, it causes even more symptoms. Your joints start feeling compressed, your muscles ache, and your posture declines.
To better understand the effect of dehydration, think of this tissue like a sponge. When it’s hydrated, it can supportively move and adapt to tension and compression, and it always returns to its ideal shape. But when it’s dehydrated it’s stiff, inflexible, and less resilient. Tissue like this is not what you want in your body.
And unfortunately, just drinking more water isn’t the answer. If this tissue is chronically dehydrated, your cells don’t absorb water or nutrients efficiently. It’s just like how a dried out sponge can’t absorb water as well as a moist one.
When dehydration becomes chronic, it’s a problem for your whole body because the connective tissue is the environment that every system in your body relies upon to function efficiently.
Now, not only do your joints feel stiff and your muscles feel achy, you start having symptoms that seem completely unrelated to each other. Things like sudden weight gain, trouble digesting food, headaches, inflammation, constipation or difficulty concentrating. As tired as you might feel during the day, at night, when you try to fall asleep, you can’t. Or you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep. If you get up a lot at night to go to the bathroom, you are cellularly dehydrated and your body is not using its fluids efficiently at the cellular level.
Now you have a bigger problem since most of your body’s natural healing and repair process occurs when you sleep. If your sleep isn’t restorative, your body’s natural repair mechanisms can’t do their job and you wake up the next morning with a backlog of stress. Your nervous system becomes exhausted all because of stuck stress in your connective tissue.
Even if you change your diet, exercise more, or sleep in on the weekend, nothing makes a dent in these issues. As important as they are, exercise and a healthy diet don’t address connective tissue dehydration and there’s no pill or surgery that can fix it.
How do I use MELT®?
You are going to learn how to rehydrate your connective tissue, rebalance your nervous system, reconnect to your centre of gravity and release your joints. You will get your body’s natural healing mechanisms back on track. MELT helps you tap into the natural healing potential of your connective tissue in a fast, easy, all-natural, relatively inexpensive way of self-treating yourself. You will learn how to use sensorial based evidence from using your body sensing to detect cellular dehydration before pain and immobility do. You can MELT everyday. This will extend the endurance and effects of a great massage or physio treatment or any manual therapy. MELT is definitely part of a great exercise prescription.
Register for this workshop at
Two sessions to choose from:
Wednesday January 18, 2017 from 11:30-2:00
Sunday January 15, 2017 from 9:00-11:30
Cost is $50 plus tax